Start your own Minecraft server, set your own rules and invite your friends to play on it or leave it open for anyone who wants to join in the fun. Use the control panel to maintain the website to manage various aspects of the game and keep the content up-to-date with the latest releases.
This program helps you to create your brand new server, and keep it up-to-date with one click. It gives you an easier control panel.
- The program has a port forwarding button. You just type in the port, and the program opens it, on your local ip. If your local ip changes, it won't work! (it doesn't work on every computer/router)
- The program supports bukkit! Now you can download the latest CraftBukkit server using the program, and add/delete plugins.
- The program finds the newest snapshot, so you can use the newest servers as soon as they are released! If a new server property is added, I will do my best to add to the control panel, and publish it. The program checks for updates, so you can keep your sever up-to-date without visiting this site.